Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts (1099)


church on spilled bloodIn St. Petersburg, our guide pointed out at one point, “There are two mints in that building.” I responded, “Did you know that it’s very famous building in America.” “Really?” “Yes, everyone of a certain age knows about two, two, two mints in one.” …. When my daughter heard that the original name of natives of Belarus, Belorussian, translates as “White Russian” she queried, “They named the country after a drink?” “Yes, “I replied. “They fought a long hard war against the Martinis.”



Al Quaeda chief Osama Bin Lanen reportedly met his death with a stash of adult magazines in his compound. One of the most notable was Playboy's "Girls of the Taliban"., Debbie Does Bagdad" and also the perennial Spring Vacation pleasure "Girls Gone Wild, Islamabad." ...  The Tonight show band did something absolutely amazing that “The Who” can’t do. Sing “The Who” sings well.  ... After Arnold Schwarzenegger revealed he had a 10-year old child by a staff member, Democrats began petitioning to remove the constitutional requirement that only native born Americans can run for President. Read more...


NetSuite's Hardball Awards triggered some worry from a friend for being too gross. "That's no hairballs, not no hairy, … never mind," I said. "I guess hairballs are bad enough."  …  I left my heart in San Francisco, and also my glasses and my new jacket and almost my wallet. This is why I would not have been a good custodian for the ring of power. “Where I put it? Oh, I’m wearing it. That’s why I can’t see myself. Damn, where did it go? Oh, I left it on the bus. It would have been a quick end to the trilogy as Sauron picked up the ring after I dropped it. "Honey, do you know where I left the ring of power?" "Did you try the pants you were wearing last night?" ... The reason I know gasoline has gotten more expensive is the hotels are now offering it at mini-bars, along with $7 bottles of water. ... Airline travel has gotten so dicey that Las Vegas is now offering over/under bets for the departure and arrival of individual flights. You can place your wager while sitting on the tarmac. ... There's a couple of neighborhoods in India that are so pricy that all the sacred cows are Angus.  ... Charlie Sheen's character on "Two and a Half Men" will now be played by Ashton Kutcher. That would about the same effect as if "American Idol" had replaced judge Simon Cowell with, well, Ashton Kutcher.  ... With the lovable Cowell getting former colleague Paula Abdul as a judge on his "X-Factor" it turns out there was some thought to calling the show the "Beauty and the Beast". Cowell nixed it because he didn't want to be called a beauty. ... "There's a new show coming on in which a bunch of rich, out-of-shape white men try to be the last person standing. It's going to be mean and vicious." "A new 'Survivor?'", I asked. "No, the Kansas GOP presidential primary."



To our viewers: This week’s episode of “At Home with the Bin Ladens” has been interrupted due to technical difficulties. Please stand by. … You know what's going to happen now that Bin Laden is dead? His picture is going to keep popping up on Facebook under "People You May Know." Remember to hit "Ignore" on the friend requests. Read more...


My uncle had three wives and was on the verge of having a fourth when the last candidate wised up.  I was thinking of this at the funeral of his first wife because it occurred to me that he was a man who planned ahead. He never changed wives without having a spare ready to go. Read more...


Death and taxes seemed certain until GE came along. They are working on death. … Speaking of both, on the way to my Indiana home from the Cincinnati airport, I passed through Lawrenceburg and neighboring Aurora, Ind., where I saw a building in which a Liberty Tax store was flanked by a bank and urgent care facility. A case of great planning.



Disappointed that Butler lost the NCAA men’s basketball championship I really liked the way ABC was able to work in minutes of the game between commercials.  … Microsoft technology is going to power technology in Toyota cars, which is sort of a scary thought. Just wait until the dashboard flashes, “Please wait while we install your updates, and then restart your car.” Apple plans to launch a line of cars of its own, powered by the Mac. But they will only run on fuel sold by Apple and can be purchased only at Apple locations. Read more...


The local YMCA had a health fair this week.  It had some of the usual stuff, bobbing for statins, a ride combining a merry-go-round with stress tests and a booth where you could win a prize by challenging the guy to guess your age, weight and chance of myocardial infarction. … Anticipating the worst from its nuclear power plant problems, some enterprising Japanese producers are planning a new line of glow-in-the-dark beef and seafood. It will be great for all those fancy places where candles aren’t bright enough to light up the menu Read more...


Applications for Russian visas are a more than a little detailed. Besides asking for parents’ full names, names of employers and colleges and addresses, it asks for very personal information.  “Did you put your left foot it and take your left foot out?” “Who was that lady I saw you with last night?” and “When did you stop beating your wife?” It also asked if I had training in nuclear matters or biological or chemical substances. Read more...


M&M World, a multi-story homage to the hard-shelled candies, has a roughly 30-foot high green M&M on second-story of its Times Square building posed as the Statue of Liberty.  There's an inscription that says "Give me your poor, your tired, your masses yearning for candy that melts in your mouth, not in your hand." A person in a red M&M outfit was posing with visitors for pictures. It’s a risky job. Store personnel have evacuated hundreds who tried to lick the costume. Read more...

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