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Visma has reported revenue of about $707 million for the fourth quarter ended December 31. The Norway-based ERP vendor reported a loss of roughly $1 million, compared to earnings the prior year.

Visma, which received a year end investment of about $3 billion, did not reported 2023 revenue, but added to the previously three quarters, the latest result brought annual revenue of approximately $2.61 billion, a 16. 7 percent increase over 2022. That was the same percentage increase reported for the fourth quarter. Nordics are largest source of revenue for Visma with the Benelux countries the second largest market. Visma has also been expanding in Latin America. SMBs represent the largest biggest segment with revenue of about $224 million for the most recently ended quarter. The medium and large enterprise segment contributed roughly $132 million for the quarter. Visma continued its pace of acquisition, acquiring seven companies in the fourth quarter.

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