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Dan Griffin, Exact MacolaExact Macola outlined important enhancements to version 10.2 and laid out a product road map this week at its Evolve user conference. All of this is a bit revolutionary—when Macola v. 10 debuted last year it was the first major release in 10 years, according to managing director Alison Forsythe. Suffice it to say that without a major release, no product road map was needed. Dan Griffin, director of product management, laid out the priorities in the new version, including Web Services. Griffin said Order Entry and accounts payable have been established as Web Services.

"You can launch a Web Service directly from a workflow," he noted. The company also upgraded its Exact Mobile Navigator which Griffin admitted "had some limitations. It could do work spaces and not a whole lot more." Now, users can perform such functions as entering orders and check inventory via mobile devices. The new version of the application also adds to workspaces with more than 40 available out of the box and the company is putting renewed emphasis on third-party software integration and international capabilities. Exact Macola is also offering entering licensing agreements—''It's an all-you-can-eat-plan" for large organizations, Griffin said. Also new to the market is multi-site ERP, which Griffin said had been on the development list for years. "This is something that we know is valuable for our customer base to continue to grow," he said.

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