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Pam Misialek, MicrosoftThe last newsletter issue had an item whose headline includes the words, "Son of Stampede." It reported plans for a November GP conference in Fargo, N .D., that were posted on the Inside Dynamics GP blog on Microsoft's website with a date and a call for suggestions for a name. The original post by product manager, Pam Misialek, has disappeared, but another referring to it and a handful of Tweets that were sent suggesting names, were still up. The idea must have gone some distance up the approval ladder from the number of people that had heard about it.

Judging from surprised looks from the Microsoft PR team and Doug Kennedy when I mentioned the plan at Convergence, it did not get far enough. One key reseller, who handles AX and GP, felt from the first the post was premature. Blog posters often don't realize that people outside their target communities read posts (although we don't know if that's the case here). Let's extend that to all published electronic communications such as social media and anything web. Intuit once published a description on a job board in which the qualifications spelled out in great detail a program that had not been announced. There are lots of LinkedIn bios that give budget figures that employers would not be pleased to see available publicly. And we all know things get posted on Facebook that come back to haunt the writers.

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