Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 46 seconds


Cindarella 2015, from official poster by Annie LeibovitzSaw a police vehicle in my hometown of Madison, Ind., that had two advertisements on the exterior. I quickly realized, it was a van for the anti-drug program, D.A.R.E., not a patrol unit. But that suggested that communities are missing revenue opportunities. Imagine you've just been arrested and dumped into the back seat of a police car. You are greeted with a cheery "Your arrest is brought to you by First National Bank. If you need a personal loan to post bail, use that phone call to contact one of our friendly customer service employees."

... A theater in my hometown runs less than first-run movies so I just saw the poster for the Disney movie, "Cinderella." In the poster, live movie Cinderella is showing a lot more cleavage than in the original cartoon. That's why when Prince Charming was trying to fit the glass slipper he told Cindy "Could you bend over a little more so can get this on?" And with a smile he added, "I hope those don't turn into pumpkins at midnight." After they are married, the less-happy couple appears on Maury Povich's TV show, "Princes Who Date Stepsisters", and he's accused of fathering children by both. But he sighs in relief when Povich declares, "Prince Charming, you are not the father." ... Note that the updated version of "Snow White", will have the beauty dressed in a thong and the Wicked Queen will be trashing her on Facebook. "What kind of decent young woman lives with seven older men?" ... Note about a current reality show—if want to see fat guys in the woods, I can just go deer hunting. ... A recent headline noted that archaeologists have recovered an irreplaceable 2,500-year old treasure. That's as opposed to a replaceable 2,500 year-old treasure, I presume. ... Plans for a debate in Iowa that would include all GOP presidential candidates have been postponed until sponsors can find a venue with a stage that can support all that weight. ... I made a comment to which someone replied, "You're dating yourself." I said, "I used to date myself. But I stopped. I was very boring."

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