Estimated reading time: 0 minutes, 48 seconds


Stijn Hendrikse, AcumaticaFrom the moment you landed at Louis Armstrong airport in New Orleans the most notable thing about Convergence (outside of Microsoft) was the visibility of cloud vendor Acumatica. A young lady with a sign “Convergence attendees” stationed at the baggage claim turned out to be distributing Acumatica canvas bags.

Three Acumatica employees in Acumatica shirts handed out invites to their party this week during Sunday’s high-profile Randy and Andy party at Bourbon711 Heat. Don Phan, Acumatica’s digital marketing manager, noted there would be pedicabs sporting the Acumatica name taking attendees to the company’s Wednesday night party. I asked host Andy Vabulas, CEO of IBIS, how the Acumatica people got in “They must have registered.” And the Acumatica people noted they are a loyal Microsoft partner. A meeting with chief Stijn Hendrikse went over some of the history of the product along with the company’s observation that it is the most Azure-oriented of any of the SaaS products.
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