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QBES BoxThe number of active users of QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions rose by 25.6 percent in one year as Intuit closed its third quarter on April 30 with 54,000 active customers. That’s compared to 43,000 in the year earlier quarter and the figure is 50-percent higher than the same quarter two years ago. It would be interesting to get a break out of direct sales versus channel on this, not that I expect that’s likely to happen. But I’ll guess there can’t be that much coming in from VARs.

On broader QB front, revenue rose despite the continued drop in sales of software units. Revenue from all QuickBooks varieties reached $183 million, an increase of 11.6 percent from $164 million in last year's corresponding period. That increase was because higher selling prices offset an 8-percent decline in unit sales. The number of units sold fell to 1.67 million from 1.84 million a year ago. The number of QuickBooks Online subscriptions, however, continued to rise reaching 201,000, up 36.7 percent from 147,000 in last year's third quarter.


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