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Bigfoot, by Darren Nash, Scientific AmericanMy nightmare is that the current presidential election is going to be like the movie, "Groundhog Day". When we reach Election Day, we are going to wake up six months earlier and go through all this again. By the way, in some states boards of election are offering a choice of Dramamine or screwdrivers to those who have just cast their votes.

... The celebration in Chicago is still going on following the Cub's victory in the World Series. People are still rejoining, singing hosannas with ritual sacrifices of mascots ongoing. ... An attorney who was suing the "Popeye's" restaurant chain alleged he choked on its chicken has dropped his action. I don't suppose this is what is normally meant by choking chic...Oh never mind. ... The head of the University of New Mexico's Gallup campus spent $7,000 for a recent two-day on-campus Bigfoot conference in February, followed by an expedition to find the mythical beast who appears to have mysteriously moved from the Pacific Northwest to warmer climes. The institution's president, Christopher Dyer, defended the move, along with his creation of the Department of Mythical Beasts, which will include advanced studies in the Yeti and the Loch Ness Monster. Dyer says Bigfoot habitat was discovered, but the creature was nowhere found, probably registering his distaste with the presidential campaign.

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