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Rod Drury, XeroSage went after Xero in an uncharacteristic attack ad recently. Sage, which is being challenged in its home in the United Kingdom by Xero, came out with this message: "Tired of Xero Support? We can help" and the main message is "We are not implying we are better than Xero. We are coming out and saying it."

It would not have surprised me to have Xero launch such a message, but Sage, which did this in support of Sage Live, is not known for this approach. Asked his approach, Rod Drury, CEO of New Zealand-based Xero, responded in an email: "Funny. Our support model wins awards and has highest customer sat. So just noise. We love incumbents using their marketing funds to talk about the challenger." And in a phrase that suggests why Sage is on the attack, Drury continued, "Have you crunched our numbers against Sage? Amazing how we have already passed them in their home market" and continued that, "Also Xero added more total small businesses than Intuit in the last year globally." I have always hoped that I played a role in pushing Sage to change the original name, Sage Life to Sage Live, because the ads otherwise would have been talking about Life Support.

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