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Dealmaker gives resellers a chance to offer case studies about software engagements. The first installment is from Incortech, a VAR based in Fontana, Calif. Incortech resells financial applications from Sage, Deltek and Intuit. In this article, the company spells out the work it performed with Energy Muse Jewelry, a Torrance, Calif.-based company, to implement Intuit's QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions.

About Energy Muse Jewelry

Cofounders, Heather Askinosie and Timmi Jandro, cofounders of Energy Muse, have created a unique company that designs, manufactures and sells purposeful jewelry to a diverse audience. Energy Muse, located in Torrance, Calif., is a jewelry line, which combines stones and other gemstones that help connect the wearer to the healing properties of crystals.

System Information

Using QuickBooks Enterprise Suite version 9.0
Live on the system for less than one year
Integrated company Web shopping cart and shipping system

What prompted the need for new software?

Energy Muse had been using an older FoxPro software application that was designed for jewelry stores. But the system didn’t allow them to integrate their new Web shopping cart orders, order shipment details or accounting. “My background was in IT before I came to Energy Muse, said Jim Nielsen, Director of Operations. My job was to find an integrated system that would allow us to have complete visibility across the different departments so we could reduce the amount of time and effort it was taking us to do tasks. That’s the only way we were going to be able to grow effectively.”

Why QuickBooks Enterprise Suite?

Nielsen said it took almost nine months of due diligence to finally decide on QuickBooks Enterprise Suite, which had the advanced functionality Energy Muse was looking for. It would be easy to integrate with. Nielsen could do that in the three months he had to get Web, shipping, sales and accounting all tied together.

Why IncorTech?

After deciding on QBES, Nielsen needed a solid consulting and training partner with lots of advanced experience with QuickBooks Enterprise. He searched the Intuit Solution Provider Web site and found several names. He then did a more detailed search on each and found that IncorTech was local, experienced and had standardized implementation programs that included hands-on training programs. So he called Nick Schoenberger and setup and appointment.

How was the implementation process?

“The process was pretty smooth” said Nielsen. “We had our tasks and IncorTech had theirs.” “QuickBooks Enterprise is a very simple and easy program so our staff was able to learn their daily tasks and cut time out of their routines.”

What impact has QBES made for Energy Muse?

Nielsen said that they are very pleased with their new system. “We now have an integrated base system for our accounting, sales, production, marketing, customer service and repairs. It is integrated with our shipping system and our web site for processing online orders. We can now track our actual inventory costs and see our sales margins. We couldn’t do that at all before QuickBooks Enterprise Suite. We streamlined our production process and that alone has saved us about $50,000 year. The staff has found that the new system is faster and easier to use and that has saved about $25,000 year as well. The system is very scalable so we can use the features we need today and change the configuration in the future as our business size and process change.”
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