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 Oracle’s NetSuite ERP has 38,000 customers, according to a LinkedIn post by Evan Goldberg, a 46-percent increase since numbers were last reported in December 2021.

The founder of NetSuite and the EVP who runs the business, Goldberg provided the numbers following the recent report of results for Oracle’s year ended May 31 His brief post says, “What a year—officially at 38,000+ NetSuite customers and counting”. That was accompanied by a 28-second video thanking customers It is the first time Oracle has reported customers since December 2021 when the company reported it had 28,000 customers for the second quarter of fiscal 2022.  Up to that point, it included the numbers in its press releases accompanying quarterly results My memory is that after I commented one time that when Oracle reported its customer base grew from one quarter to quarter, it was about the time the company stopped reporting those numbers quarterly. There was probably no connnection.

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