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Kirill Tatarinov, MicrosoftThere has been a lot of discussion about how far upstream Dynamics AX can go. And in presentation to a financial house last month, MBS president Kirill Tatarinov said AX is doing well with companies with $1 billion to $5 billion in annual revenue.
He made his remarks at the JP Morgan Technology Media & Telecom Conference 2012 and I did not check this one because previously, Microsoft has rarely had the MBS head speak at such events. Tatarinov summed up the product's progress as follows: "And right now with Dynamics AX, the U.S. market is where we're seeing the fastest growth in that sort of particular segment of companies between $1 billion and $5 billion ..." He also discussed AX as being the corporate HQ product in two-tier deployments. A reseller told me that is not news to the channel but that revealing that dollar range was. Microsoft may have discussed this strategy with resellers, but I don't think publicly. Also new to me was his description of Dynamics CRM as being built inside Outlook. Tatarinov was specific that the CRM product is "not integrated with Outlook, it's not connected with Outlook, it is built inside Outlook." He also commented that sales people hate using CRM and prefer using their own spreadsheets. I don't know if this augurs a more work-with-Excel approach than we've seen with CRM.
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