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QBES BoxSales of QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions outpaced much of the market as shown by Intuit's report of its second quarter ended January 31. The company said it had 41,000 active users (users on maintenance) at the end of the period. That was up by 17 percent from the 35,000 users a year earlier.
I would have to ask who is selling it, because I'm increasingly convinced it’s not the traditional VARs that Intuit recruited with fanfare a couple of years ago. The growth must be coming from direct sales and the evidence of 2009's channel awards was the recognition for reselling accomplishments went to QuickBooks organizations that are moving upstream. Meanwhile, the economy took a toll on overall QB sales, which saw an overall 3 percent revenue decline. What I have not seen is Intuit address many of the concerns expressed at last September’s reseller conference, including the need for greater differentiation between QBES and the QB products beneath it. I also had my doubts about the major step taken, putting QBES into the hands of distributors as the ones who spoke showed that they are used to a different market, one in which resellers are far more hardware oriented and less specialized.
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