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Ariege Mishergi, Intuit Intuit has added a batch invoice import capability to QuickBooks Online Advanced. The latest feature was discussed this week in a blog post by Ariege Mishergi, who leads the software company’s accountant program.

The import utility can handle invoices created outside of QB through a .CSV file. The post said initially the capability is limited to transactions for clients who manually enter sales taxes. Coming soon will be Custom User Permission. Mishergi’s post says the feature applies unique employee permissions to manage data access and delegate an individual's use of product features. Advanced, which supports up to 25 users, is the product of choice for the cloud for clients who might have turned to the desktop QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions. Intuit positions the product as suited for company’s who are being overserved by ERP packages. Intuit officially announced the product on October 15 although Mishergi describes it as being introduced in August.

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