The new method is called, "Just Say, uh Wow, Colors!" ... GOP presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee has declared the West Coast drought a punishment from God for those states' tendency to vote Democratic. In a revival of the TV show, Chips", officers Ponch and Jon grumble when they are sent on a patrol to spot illegal lawn watering. Ponch rants about his dream of hyping Florida real estate. ... Just had a visit from the health department, since our neighbor, who has called the town about a dead tree (very green and dropping beach nuts on his roof) over his house and about a cigarette butt he found on his front lawn (next to a sidewalk leading to an elementary school), and complained to me about my roses vines hanging over his yard, told them we had lots of dog doo-doo in the yard. I said once in a while when he goes out, we miss one, but it gets picked up. She was looking for something more egregious and her attitude was something like " happens." (OK my words)
Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 24 seconds
The register tape generated at the supermarket checkout detailed how much I had saved on many items. "If I have saved so much," I asked the clerk, "how come my bill is so high?" ... Spotted a raven perched in a tree just over my head as I took a short cut to the convenience store. "Nevermore?" I said. "Nah, sooner or later," it replied. ... Saw a new feature on the AOL Today page: "Eighteen movie stars you didn't care about and still don't'." ... Colorado is junking the "Just Say No" approach to controlling marijuana use, since the state has legalized recreational use.
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