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Silvio Burlosconi, former Italian prime ministerThere have always been plenty of people to allege some corporate logos contain subliminal messages. One group of conspiracy fans has taken this further, claiming Taco Bells' "Run for the Border" campaign was actually designed to encourage illegal immigration. You may remember the continuing allegations that the Proctor & Gamble logo contains a Satanic symbol.

I don't believe is true although are some claims that the company once toyed with the idea of a slogan: "Trade Your Soul for a Whiter Smile." ... My Galaxy Note 7 caught on fire while I was driving my VW Diesel to the dealer to sell it back to the manufacturer and then I lost most of the money I got from the car company to fees on my secret Wells Fargo accounts. ... Allegations of GOP candidate Donald Trump have dominated recent political discussions. But it turns out, he was merely showing support for the old AT&T slogan "Reach Out And Touch Someone" and I don't see any reason to doubt he was showing his small hands. ... Democrats plan to nominate Trump for the Silvio Burlosconi Lifetime Achievement Award, the disgraced former Italian prime minister who had a lot more things wandering than his hands. ... I think the only reason to worry about Trump is if he starts promising that if elected, men will be required to copy his hairdo. On the Democratic side of the ledger, there are the plans for the Hillary Clinton-branded line of memory enhancing products. ... Inflammatory Maine Gov. Paul LePage said recently that for some of the things he said, his grandmother would have washed his mouth out with soap. Now there's a suggestion for Tom's of Maine, whose products include soap and toothpaste, could use a picture of LePage with a bar of soap in its mouth for its next ad campaign. It would certainly improve his image. ... One move in New Jersey as a way to deal with its failed casinos in Atlantic City is to open more in the Northern part of the state. Throwing good money after what?

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