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Paul McCartney, BBC photoAfter referring to Elizabeth Warren as Pocahontas because of her small percentage native American ancestry, GOP president candidate Donald Trump then doubled down against the Republican establishment referring to them as the "Lost Boys". He also attacked the latest X-Men movie promising to ban mutants from the country and to prevent prisoners from being released from the Phantom Zone in the Superman story. Democrats immediately questioned the parentage of Trump's hair. ... I was noticing a news item that a cat in Las Vegas alerted its owners to a house fire. I always suspected our cat would more likely start the fire.

... Justin Bieber drew attention for throwing a fan's gift out of a car. It could have been worse—he might have thrown a fan out of the car and kept the gift. ... Paul McCartney was warned about collaborating with Kanye West and notes he was taken aback by some of the language on the joint track. But the ex-Beatle plans a new collaboration, including remixes of his bands hits, but with a twist on the language when West issues "I want to XXX Your Hand" and "XXXX, XXXX , Me Do." McCartney was quoted as saying, " I love Kanye and he loves me." In return, West replied, "I love Kanye and he loves me." .... Google has revealed the most misspelled words for each of the 50 states—actually a list of words involving searches for the correct spelling. Arizona's was diarrhea, and I don't know if that has to do more with spelling or something unfortunate in the state's diet. The word also topped the list for New Hampshire so perhaps we should avoid that Arizona-New Hampshire fusion restaurant that just opened down the street. "Tomorrow" topped the list in Florida, probably reflecting the state's large retiree population which is uncertain of prospects for seeing the next day. "Palin" was number one in Alaska. Oh, I'm sorry, it was "Hawaii", no joke, but Hawaii did not return the favor and came in with "boutineer". This coincided with Scripps National Spelling Bee that was to crown a winner this week. You know, that could be a way for more quickly weeding out the next big Republican presidential field. Each candidate is asked a question and must sit down if the answer is wrong. Hey, it can't work any worse than the way it was done this year.

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